Should You Get LANAP® or Traditional Gum Surgery?

Should You Get LANAP® or Traditional Gum Surgery?

July 20, 2022

Healthy gums are a supportive foundation for your jawbone and teeth. Gum disease can result in bone or tooth loss as it pulls gums away from the teeth. It develops when calculus and plaque comprising of bacteria build up along your gumline. Lack of proper dental and oral hygiene causes the bacteria to damage and eat away your gums, teeth, and jawbone.


LANAP® Treatment: What to Expect

LANAP® Treatment: What to Expect

June 1, 2022

You are not alone if you have recently discovered that you need to get a periodontics treatment. Research shows that almost 50 percent of adults in the U.S. have some form of gum disease. The problem causes inflammation and then tooth and bone loss. The good news is that LANAP® treatment gives them a way to solve this problem.


Relieving Dental Anxiety With Sedation Dentistry

Relieving Dental Anxiety With Sedation Dentistry

May 9, 2022

Dental anxiety is the stress you manifest when visiting a dental clinic. It is responsible for making people skip dental appointments, leading to dental health conditions. People who experience dental anxiety get triggers from associating dental visits with drills, needles, and the like.


Benefits Of Botox

Benefits Of Botox

April 4, 2022

Botox is a popular facial rejuvenation procedure that helps reduce the appearance of lines and facial wrinkles. Botox treats excessive sweating, neck spasms, lazy eye, and an overactive bladder.


March Is Oral Health Month: Tips for Dental Hygiene

March Is Oral Health Month: Tips for Dental Hygiene

March 30, 2022

The world observes World Oral Health Day on March 20 every year. The purpose of this commemorative day is to foster awareness about the benefits of maintaining good oral hygiene. It aims to inspire changes by focusing on the relationship between oral health and overall health. After all, good oral health can help you live a healthier and longer life.