Tooth sensitivity is a common problem that affects a significant number of people worldwide. It is a condition characterized by a sharp, sudden shot of pain or discomfort when the teeth come into contact with cold, hot, sweet, or acidic substances. It can also occur when you brush or floss your teeth.


The occurrence of sensitive teeth can be sporadic, but it can also be chronic, affecting one's quality of life. It often leads to the avoidance of certain foods and drinks, and in severe cases, it can even affect one's speech and eating habits.


Tooth sensitivity is not a disease in itself but a symptom of an underlying dental issue. The good news is that it is usually treatable, and with proper dental care and maintenance, it can also be prevented.



Understanding Why Your Teeth are Sensitive


A tooth consists of several layers. The outermost layer is the enamel, a hard, protective covering for the part of the tooth that is visible above the gum line. Beneath the enamel is the dentin, a softer, porous layer that contains tiny tubes leading to the nerve center of the tooth, known as the pulp.


When the enamel is worn down or the gum line recedes, exposing the dentin, tooth sensitivity can occur. The exposed dentin allows heat, cold, or acidic substances to reach the nerves in the tooth, causing pain or discomfort.



Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity


There are various factors and conditions that can cause tooth sensitivity. These include:


  • Enamel Erosion: The enamel can be worn down by consuming excessive acidic foods and drinks, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, and carbonated drinks.

  • Tooth Decay and Cavities: Decay or cavities can expose the dentin, leading to sensitivity.

  • Gum Recession: Receding gums can expose the roots of the teeth, which are not protected by enamel, leading to sensitivity.

  • Teeth Grinding or Clenching: This habit can wear down the enamel, exposing the dentin and causing sensitivity.

  • Dental Procedures: Some dental procedures can cause temporary tooth sensitivity, such as teeth whitening, fillings, crowns, and root canals.


Understanding what causes tooth sensitivity is the first step towards treating and preventing this uncomfortable condition.



Treatments for Sensitive Teeth


Treating sensitive teeth often involves addressing the underlying cause of the sensitivity. Here are some of the most common treatments:


  • Desensitizing Toothpaste: This type of toothpaste contains compounds that help block the transmission of sensation from the tooth surface to the nerve.

  • Fluoride Gel: This treatment, which is applied by a dentist, strengthens tooth enamel and reduces the transmission of sensations.

  • Dental Procedures: Depending on the cause of the sensitivity, various dental procedures can help, such as fillings, crowns, inlays, bonding, surgical gum graft, or a root canal.

  • Lifestyle Changes: Avoiding acidic foods and drinks, using a soft-bristled toothbrush, and avoiding teeth grinding can help prevent sensitive teeth.



Professional Treatments for Teeth Sensitivity


In some cases, over-the-counter treatments might not be enough to deal with severe tooth sensitivity. In such instances, it's best to consult with a dental professional who can provide more advanced treatments.


  • In-Office Fluoride Treatments: These treatments involve the application of a high-concentration fluoride varnish to the sensitive areas to strengthen the tooth enamel and dentin.

  • Bonding: This procedure involves applying a bonding resin to the sensitive root surfaces.

  • Root Canal: If the tooth sensitivity is severe and persistent and other treatments aren't effective, your dentist might recommend a root canal to treat the problem at its source.


It's crucial to remember that only a dental professional can accurately diagnose the cause of your tooth sensitivity and propose the most effective treatment plan.



The Importance of Regular Check-ups


Regular dental check-ups are essential in maintaining good oral health and preventing dental issues, including tooth sensitivity. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy is a lifelong commitment, but the benefits are well worth the effort. And as always, consult with your dental professional if you have any concerns about your oral health.



Manage Your Tooth Sensitivity Today


Tooth sensitivity is a common dental issue, but with the right information and proper dental care, it can be effectively managed and even prevented. Understanding why your teeth are sensitive and the common causes of tooth sensitivity is a significant first step.


Whether you choose over-the-counter treatments like desensitizing toothpaste and fluoride gels or opt for professional dental procedures, the key is to address the issue as soon as it arises. Don't let tooth sensitivity disrupt your life and prevent you from enjoying your favorite foods and drinks.


For more information on managing sensitive teeth effectively, contact Implant Dentistry Periodontics & Facial Rejuvenation at our office in Wesley Chapel, Florida. Call 813.517.0100 to schedule an appointment today.