Many treatments for gum disease have been developed. The treatment the dentist will recommend will depend on the stage of the disease and your budget. Additionally, your response to earlier treatments will dictate which option they proceed with. 

The advanced stage of gum disease typically has damaged most of the tissue necessary for tooth support. In the earlier stages, on the other hand, the dentist will work to maintain and protect the connective tissues and slow down the progression. 

Treatments for Gum Disease


A dentist can go in one of two main directions when treating gum disease: nonsurgical or surgical treatments. Nonsurgical treatments are mainly effective in the early stages of gum disease. Dentists can reverse the early stage of gum disease—gingivitis—through nonsurgical methods.

When gingivitis progresses, it turns into periodontitis, which causes damage to the tissue holding your teeth firm. Periodontitis is characterized by receding gums and loss of gum tissue and bone. Gum recession leaves the teeth roots exposed to decay and bacteria. 

Nonsurgical Treatments


Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning for gum disease involves two main procedures: scaling and root planing.


A periodontist uses scaling to eliminate bacteria and tartar from the surface of your teeth. They also remove them from under the gumline. They can use ultrasonic devices or a laser.

Root Planing

A periodontist will use root planing to smoothen the surface of the exposed tooth roots. It discourages the collection of bacteria and tartar. It encourages the gums to attach to the tooth roots again.

Surgical Treatments


Flap Surgery

In flap surgery, the technique aims to expose tooth roots so that the periodontist can clean them more effectively. They do this by making small incisions in the gingival tissue, which allows them to lift back some of the tissue. After scaling the roots, the dentist lifts the gum tissue to cover the roots. Stitches hold the tissue up to help it regrow and attach to the teeth. 

Bone Grafting

Another surgical procedure that helps with periodontitis is bone grafting. It is mainly used for advanced stages where the infection has damaged the bone around the tooth roots. The periodontist will use some of your bone extracted from another body part. 

They may also use donated bone mass or synthetic bone. The bone graft helps stimulate bone growth in the damaged areas. The bone tissue is assimilated by your body, adding more bone volume and density.

Laser Surgery

Laser surgery is a precision technique that periodontists use to remove damaged gingival tissue. The technique is so precise that it does not harm any healthy tissue, ensuring it is healthy enough. 

After the dead and damaged gum is eliminated, the periodontist lifts the remaining healthy gum to cover the teeth. They are healthy enough to heal and grow back on the teeth. Laser surgery is desirable because it is easy to recover from. Your gums will also heal much quicker than with other approaches.

For more on the best treatment for gum disease, visit Implant Dentistry Periodontics & Facial Rejuvenation at our office in Tampa or Wesley Chapel, Florida. Call (813) 517-0100​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ or (813) 973-7770​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ to book an appointment today.