By now, most people know that flossing helps prevent gum disease and tooth decay. However, most people do not understand how this happens. It is important to realize that poor flossing habits can leave the individual at risk of serious oral problems. It helps to understand how flossing correctly can help with periodontal disease.


Proper Flossing Technique


Effective flossing involves more than just inserting the dental floss between the teeth and removing it again. It is important to use the floss methodically to ensure efficacy. Because plaque tends to build up between the teeth, dental floss is used to reach these areas a toothbrush cannot. This means that you should focus on scrubbing those hidden and hard-to-reach areas to accomplish your goal.


Targeting Plaque Locations


It is important to target the problem areas where the plaque accumulates, such as locations between adjacent teeth. Plaque accumulates in these spaces, and it often causes cavities between the teeth. Plaque can also accumulate in the space below the gumline. This is the space between the teeth and the surrounding gum tissue. Bacteria along the gumline causes gum disease, such as gingivitis or periodontitis.


Preventing Tooth Decay


Flossing helps to prevent tooth cavities, which occur when dental plaque covers the tooth’s surface. The presence of this plaque also contributes to decay in a process known as demineralization. Removing the plaque allows for healing by reversing the process of cavity formation. Brushing and flossing help to reduce the time that dental plaque is present on the teeth. By cleaning where brush bristles cannot reach, flossing helps prevent cavities.


Flossing Regularly


For flossing to bear results, it has to be a part of daily oral hygiene. It may take a while to clean between all the teeth and below the gum line, but it is necessary. Working the dental floss up and down on the tooth’s surface will help clean all areas. Failing to floss regularly can cause problems, such as tender, inflamed gums that bleed during flossing. Routine flossing will help to keep you in good oral and physical health.


The Best Dental Floss


There are many types of dental floss on the market, but most are made of Teflon or nylon. Choosing the best floss helps ensure you achieve the results you desire. Consider the size of the spaces between your teeth when choosing floss. An individual with large spaces or recessed gums should choose flat and wide dental tape. If the spaces are tight, thin dental floss will get into them more effectively. Using the right dental products is essential. You can use a dental floss holder to ensure effective cleaning.


If you notice minor bleeding when you start flossing, you should not worry too much. Plaque buildup can cause bleeding, and this should stop after about a week. If the bleeding continues, make sure that you visit a dentist, as gum bleeding can be a symptom of periodontal disease.


Prevent Gum Disease with Flossing, visit Implant Dentistry Periodontics & Facial Rejuvenation in Tampa(813) 517-0100, or Wesley Chapel (813) 973-7770.