When you lose a tooth or when it retreats from the alveolar bones, which is a part of the jaw that holds the teeth, this can result in your facial features to shift and sag. This may lead to potential problems, such as pain in your mouth, trouble speaking, or difficulty chewing food adequately. Fortunately, bone grafts are available to provide a safe, long-term solution to your missing tooth. The bone that was lost can be built again, which can restore your facial structure. This also lets you recover the strength into your jawbone, thus making dental implants possible.


Good Candidates for Bone Grafts


Bone grafting is a surgical procedure performed to replace bone loss in the jaw. Good candidates for bone grafting surgery are people who have lost bone structure along the jawbone that anchors teeth. This loss could be due to missing teeth or other matters. These include severe gum disease, tumor removal, or trauma to the mouth, such as a blow to the face. The patient should be in good general health so that any potential health risks can be avoided.


Also, bone grafts are sometimes performed to re-establish enough bone density to support dental implants. If you are thinking of getting implants, your dental surgeon will see if your jaw has enough tissue to withstand chewing and other functions. You will need two millimeters of healthy, living bone in front and another two millimeters behind your dental implants. For instance, if your implant is three millimeters, you will need a total of seven millimeters of bone mass (3+2+2). A bone graft is generally necessary for those who have had missing teeth for some time now, and the bone has deteriorated to less than the minimum amount of healthy bone mass.


By placing grafting material or donor tissue, bone grafting surgery can safely restore your jawbone volume and biologic quality. A study published in the National Library of Medicine shows that dental implants have a success rate of up to 97 percent after a successful bone grafting surgery.


How Do Bone Grafts Work


Traditionally, bone grafting surgery involves removing a tiny piece of your bone from another part of your jaw or body. Then, the dentist transplants it into your jawbone. Alternative options today include getting a bit of bone from an animal or cadaver source to replace your missing bone. It sometimes takes several months for the transplanted bone to grow enough new bone to support your dental implant.


Bone grafts are time-consuming. However, it can be an essential part of any dental implant process. After bone grafting surgery, you may experience typical discomfort. These include bruising, swelling gums, and minor bleeding. These are common side effects, but they dissipate quickly. Some diet restrictions are also expected as your mouth heals following bone graft and implant procedures.


The recovery process involved after bone grafting surgery varies from one patient to another. However, time is absolutely worth the investment to have that beautiful, happy smile again. Do you want to know if you are a candidate for bone grafting surgery? Visit Implant Dentistry Periodontics & Facial Rejuvenation today to schedule your consultation. Call our clinic in Tampa or Wesley Chapel in Florida now.